Proverbs 14:4 - "Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox."

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"Train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old,

he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22:6

As parents, we have a very short time in which to help mold or shape an eternal soul. God has provided an opportunity and given us a priviledge to impact the lives of our children, who will all too soon grow up to be defined primarily by the things we have done and the words in which we have spoken. 

These verse give us a glimpse of Jesus' thoughts and feelings regarding children:

Let's look closely at the life of a man to see the effect his mother's words had on shaping his life and character. In Genesis 25:19-34, we read the story of Rebekah and learn why it's important to model Christ-like behavior. Rebekah's story shows us how she made mistakes and bad decisions, yet she was counted as worthy as a mother and a woman who left a legacy that pointed her children to Jesus.

In verse 23, the Lord said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be seperated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger."

In reading this story, who was the older and who was the younger of the brothers? ___________________________________________________


Let's skip down to Genesis 27.

What did Rebekah tell Jacob to do in verse 8 and what role she she play in the deception?



In chapter 27, verse 20, whom did Jacob bring into the picture? __________

In this story, we can see how Rebekah interfered with God's plan and taught her younger son to lie and be decitful. Now, as we look back over this story to when God told Rebekah about her children before they were born, it is clear that her interference was unnecessary to accomplish what God had already promised. God already had a plan and he did not need Rebekah's deceitfulness and meddling. We can see how Jacob was mimiking his mother's behavior. Also, we can see that both Rebekah and her husband had favorites, which we know is not a good thing and causes so much strife between the parents and between the children.

There may be times that you feel so overwhelmed and exhausted in taking care of your children, working, and managing a household. Remember, you are not a failure as a mother! God sees you, he hears your prayers. You are not alone! Rebekah's story is not a shining, perfect example of leaving an outstanding legacy, but we can learn from her story of making mistakes and bad decisions, change our ways, and go on to raise our children with good character, and instilling a Christ-like behaviors in the lives of our children!