Proverbs 16:24 - "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."

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Wives, Pray for your Husbands!

     Men and women are different in numerous ways and God

gifts them differently. For instance, God gifts intelligence,

strength, talent, skills, wisdom, courage, sensitivity, humor,

financial success, and the list is endless. However, as women,

we want to recognize and appreciate different gifts God has

provided to our husbands. Pay close attention to the good

qualities in your husband. What makes him different? What do

you love about your husband?

     Take note of the good things he does and the kind words he

speaks. Notice the ways in which he speaks his love. Help build

him up by reminding him how much you appreciate him and all

the little things you love about him. We are all a work in

progress, growing and learning every step of the way. This is

where we can learn to let our husbands lead.




Sometimes, we just have to step back and let God take control if

we want to be obedient to His Word. God uses people who are

obedient to Him. The Word is clear about the husband is the

head of the wife and the wife should submit to his authority, in

addition to outlining that the "Husbands, love your wives, even

as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it"

Ephesians 5:24-25.

     Submission is a choice that we make out of obedience to God.

We should focus on God and His will. God is ready to equip

those He calls. We honor God when we place our trust in

Him, step back, and allow our husbands to take the lead, which

in turn brings glory to God and brings our husbands closer to

God. Sometimes, we wives must examine ourselves and step

back, so we can enable our husbands to step forward and

become the leader that God plans for him. Wives, pray for your

husbands that God will equip him to lead your family!